est un acte de foi. En pardonnant son prochain, je crois que Dieu rend
une meilleure justice que la mienne. En pardonnant, je renonce à mon
droit légitime d'agir pour abandonner toutes ces questions de justice
divine afin qu'elles soient résolus par Dieu. Je laisse dans les mains
de Dieu les balances qui doivent équilibrer la justice et la grâce."
Philip Yancey
"Forgiveness is an act of faith. By forgiving another, I am trusting that God is a better justice-maker than I am. By forgiving, I release my own right to get even and leave all issues of fairness of God to work out. I leave in God's hands the scales that must balance justice and mercy."
Philip Yancey
Philip Yancey
"Forgiveness is an act of faith. By forgiving another, I am trusting that God is a better justice-maker than I am. By forgiving, I release my own right to get even and leave all issues of fairness of God to work out. I leave in God's hands the scales that must balance justice and mercy."
Philip Yancey